My name is Travis Brown, and I am a Ph.D. student in the English Department at the University of Texas at Austin, where I study literature, linguistics, and computer science.

My research interests include 19th-century British copyright law, metrical verse form, natural language syntax, data mining, the open source movement, and the Haskell programming language.

I also like Henry James's novels, generative art, Paradise Lost, Blake's epics, Arch Linux, good typography, a handful of video games, tiling window managers, ThinkPads, and Fennesz.

In 2009 I led a team of programmers in developing a multilingual dependency parsing and semantic role labeling system for the CoNLL Shared Task, in which we placed sixth internationally.

I was the lead developer of an NEH-funded collaborative annotation application named eComma, which was used in a web exhibition at the Harry Ransom Center. I am currently working primarily on projects for the Walt Whitman Archive.

I have a blog on this site, and I am also online at the following places:

Most of these accounts aren't very active.